Today i missed home. India is a paradise. I have fallen in love with the culture, landscapes, the people, the animals, and even the nonstop raining. All of this has become a second home to me already, but strangely i have come to miss my first home, Murfreesboro Tennessee. I have never gotten home sick before. Not that i can remember at least. I know sometimes im ready to get back home because im tired of being where i am but i could stay here for ever. Yet, something is pulling me far west. I dont miss objects or even expedients that India doesn't have, like escalators so i dont have to walk up a mountain to get to Hindi class. I miss knowing the things i need to know. As in the common language, what kind of food im eating, how to do simple tasks like turn on a light switch (its backwards here), and i especially miss the people closest to me.

I miss my mom washing my clothes, me washing them in the sink with cheap detergent is depressing. I miss my girlfriend who i can tell is missing me as much as i miss her. I miss my sister Jessie and her quirky humor and my sister aubrey's laugh and especially my niece who i know is getting smarter and more beautiful everyday. I miss my Church at Cason Lane who is praying that i am safe and i appreciate that more than they know. I pray for them too. I miss my best friends, i have a lot of them and each one has helped me shape into the man i am today. I even miss when my dad would take me out to lunch or dinner, sometimes it was hard because he had to get on to me but i know its because he loves me. I dont have anyone who loves me here. I think that is what really makes a home what it is. I wanted to get out of Murfreesboro so badly i had to sign up for a program on the opposite side of the world. And now it seems the side of the world i was in was pretty amazing as well.

This experience is good for me. I was taking a lot of things in my life for granted and now that i see that i understand how much each person means to me. India is wonderful. Everyday i have a new story that i cant wait to tell everyone.
Like today i was running to dinner in fear i would be to late to get the warm food and i stopped when i noticed two men walking toward me. They had just come around the curve and were staring in my direction. Once i took my eyes off them and i looked to my left i discovered i was standing next to a huge monkey on the railing right next to my face. Its eyes were fixated on me and it started showing its teeth (a sign of Dominance) my initial reaction should have been to stay calm, but instead i screamed like a girl covered my face and fell into the fetal position. Embarrassment filled every pour of my body as the monkey nonchalantly crawled away on the railing and the two men that had seen the entire thing laughed harder than necessary. I didnt think it was very funny, until i started writing this post.
Also from being in India i have come to realize its a place that needs to be discovered. It ha so many resources everywhere that have so much potential if utilized. I think in the future i can help a lot of people as well as the environment. Im doing a lot of learning here as well as observing, and all of this is helping me realize what i am good at and what i would like to pursue in the future. I love and miss all of you back home. Im not as far as it seems.

Like today i was running to dinner in fear i would be to late to get the warm food and i stopped when i noticed two men walking toward me. They had just come around the curve and were staring in my direction. Once i took my eyes off them and i looked to my left i discovered i was standing next to a huge monkey on the railing right next to my face. Its eyes were fixated on me and it started showing its teeth (a sign of Dominance) my initial reaction should have been to stay calm, but instead i screamed like a girl covered my face and fell into the fetal position. Embarrassment filled every pour of my body as the monkey nonchalantly crawled away on the railing and the two men that had seen the entire thing laughed harder than necessary. I didnt think it was very funny, until i started writing this post.

This was an epic post. I miss you too Buddy. Glad you are having some great adventures though.
ReplyDeleteLove you and miss you. i love reding about your adventure. Mama LALA