Today i got hooked on a book. My baby sitter/ guide/ instructor Rishi suggested an interesting book to my roommate, Holden, in Delhi. Its called Shantaram and its a best seller so i figured it would be good but from Holden's description of it i had to check it out for myself. I started started the book two days ago and so far i am completely inthralled with it. So many times ive been sucked into a book and have not been able to take my eyes of the pages, but this is different. Maybe because the book takes place in Bombay India, and being in India i can kind of relate with a lot of the images he describes. Gregory David, the writer, does an outstanding job of really understanding India in a way i could only dream of. I have only seen India for a brief moment, and i have been here for almost two weeks. So much is out there to discover and i have only skimmed the brim of it.

Over the past couple days Hindi classes have become more intense. We are putting together sentences and even putting phrases and sentences into past and future tense. I can feel my comprehension of the language getting stronger everyday. We have 3 more four hour classes that while i dread the walk up the mountain i have come to enjoy the teachers and the amount of knowledge i am obtaining. Everyday i think of a different way i can use my Hindi in everyday life here. The only problem is using the right words at the right time. I still cannot think of phrases i have learned on the spot. Several teachers have told me these things will come with practice and time so i still am practicing and waiting for my chance to show off my new skills. Tomorrow i plan on going to church service up the mountain. The rest of my team is going hiking and as much as i would like to see more of the wilderness side of India i think that the local church will be really good for me. Some encouragement and advice from the big man upstairs is exactly what i need right now. Im off to bed now but before i go to bed i will leave you with one excerpt from the book i found relevant to my state of mind at the moment.
A dream is a place where a wish and a fear meet. When the wish and fear are exactly the same, we call the dream a nightmare.
Goodnight Readers.
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