Today i climbed Mt Tiba. Probably the coolest hike i have been on sense I went to Montana. We were dropped of at the trail head a couple miles from The Hanifl Centre where im staying and started our ascent.

We passed houses on the trail and as hard is it is to believe they have to make the hike everyday in order to get to the town. I thought driving 5 minutes was ridiculous to get to Walmart. On the way up the rock climbing instructor and neighbor showed me all kinds of different plants that people use hear for medicine. It seems like every plant has a purpose to be there. The altitude was difficult at first, but i got over it pretty quickly. Controlling the way you breathe is very important while acclimating. Once at the top we ate a packed lunch took pictures and then headed back down.

Instead of taking the same route down we took a way through the mountains because the car that dropped us off couldnt come pick us up so we walked home. It was totally worth it though. I got to see the real part of India that few get to see. The only negative part of the trip was touching this plant that is called stinging nettle i think. It has really sharp spikes on it that even with the slightest touch give you a jolt of pain and the stinging last for a good while. You know me even after they told me about it i had to touch it for myself. IT Hurts. I got to talk to mom today and apparently my church had a pot luck the other day. I miss pot lucks so bad. As much as i have come to enjoy Indian food their is nothing like home cooking. I miss home alot but at the same time i never want to leave this place. It has so much history and the culture and customs changes every 100 kilometers. We plan on visiting the hunted house down the road in a couple of nights so that should be interesting. Thanks for reading my blog everyone, i have gotten so many hits in the past couple of days i feel like an actual good blogger
. Chalo Chale!
I love reading all of the posts! Keep 'em coming, brother!